This post is at the request of my mother, who does not want to see the word "damn" at the top of the page every time she visits my blog. (Oops, there it is again. Sorry, Mom!) But seriously, this is long overdue. I have just been really scattered lately and unable to focus long enough to compose a coherent post. So here instead is a random assortment of thoughts, musings and news. Better than nothing, right?
-Soren has peed in the potty twice. (Scott and I told ourselves that we would never use the word "potty" but I just can't help it. Really, it just rolls off the tongue: "Pee in the potty." Perhaps it's the alliteration. I will, however, stop short of saying pee-pee.) Unfortunately, he has also peed on the floor, the couch and our bed. They really should make toddler-size diapers harder to remove.
-Scott is still doing well in school and is maintaining his 4.0 GPA. He will be transferring to PSU in the fall and then hopes to go into the Medical Laboratory Science program at OHSU. Not bad for a high school dropout, eh?
-Yesterday, people kept asking me what I was going to do to celebrate Earth Day and, although it sounds completely cliche and silly, I just wanted to say, "Every day is Earth Day to me." I appreciate that we have this day because it gets the attention of people who wouldn't normally think about alternative energy sources or waste reduction. But (and I warn you that I'm going to get preachy here) we really need to think about this stuff every day or it's not going to make a difference. Of course, now that reusable lunch containers and homemade cleaning products are Oprah-endorsed, there may be hope.
-Am I the only person who thinks that it makes sense to let people OFF a train (or elevator) before people get ON? And while I'm on the subject. is it really that hard to say "thank you" when someone holds the door for you? Or to move over to one side of the sidewalk when you see someone approaching? OR TO GET OFF OF YOUR CELL PHONE FOR TWO MINUTES WHILE YOU ORDER A CUP OF COFFEE????? Okay, enough ranting for today. I'm starting to get all red-faced and sweaty.
6 years ago
1 comment:
My blasted Google reader never told me you had a new post. And of course I never checked because, well, you never post. But I can't really talk, because I have been slacking lately in the posting arena. Maybe I should shut it and go write a new post. I think I might do just that. Oh and by the way, I used reusable shopping bags at the store last week. I thought you would be proud.
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